September 17-21, VII International conference «Plasma Physics and Technology» took place in Minsk. More... |
September 21, students of the Department of Natural Geography together with the Dean and professors planted trees. More... |
September 20, the first year students of the Academy gathered in the Onego lake waterfront to participate in sports competition. More... |
September 19, by the initiative of professors of French, Department of Foreign languages a joint meeting with teachers of French from Petrozavodsk schools was held. More... |
September 17, 2012 the Karelian State Pedagogical Academy started preparing for the rector election procedure in accordance with the letter of the Vice-Minister of education of the Russian Federation M.Kambolov from 11.09.2012 No MK-1276/12 “On initiation of the rector elections” More... |
11 - 16 March 2013, Finland
The Centre for International Mobility CIMO invites applications from Russian and Ukrainian postgraduate students for participation in the 17th Winter School organized during 11 - 16 March 2013 at Tvärminne zoological station of the University of Helsinki ( The applicants must be citizens of Russia or Ukraine and not over 35 years of age. Applications are not accepted from those who have participated in one of the previous Winter Schools.
Natalya Dyachkova, a three-time winner of the Thai boxing (muay thai) Russian championship, a two-time winner of the Wu-shu Sanda Russian championship, a silver champion of the Thai boxing World championship in 2009 and 2011, and the Thai boxing Europe championship in 2011, this year became a student of the KSPA Department of Physical Culture. More... |
On September 17, a conference on summer vacation that already has become a tradition, was held More... |
The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Karelia and the State Pedagogical Academy supported the initiative of establishment of a public professional pedagogical union - the Association of rural small ungraded schools of the Republic of Karelia and took promotion of this organization upon them. More... |
March, 23 is the Open Day in KSPA. Applicants and their parents are welcome. The day starts at 3 p.m. in Assembly Hall. Address: Petrozavodsk, Pushkinskaya st. 17. More... |