В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
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Sunday, October 21, school students of 8-11 grades participated in an academic competition round of the City Tournament that took place in KSPA.


Svetlana Goranskaya, PhD, Docent of Chair of Safety Living, head of KSPA research lab is well-known for her commitment to promotion of healthy lifestyle.


Karelian State Pedagogical Academy organizes Intensive work guidance and working methods course that will take place in Petrozavodsk, October 16-19, 2012 in the framework of a Barents cross-border university project (BCBU+). Representatives from 10 Universities from Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway implement it together.


October 15 and 17, women volleyball Academy championship for freshmen took place in the gym.


October 17-18, KSPA hostels carried out fire trainings.


Trade union of employees and professors of KSPA participated in a Russian Prof.com internet competition of trade unions.


October 5-6, Head of Chair of the Finnish language, Department of Foreign languages, Elena Bogdanova, PhD. participated in a Conference "Learner Language, Learner Corpora – LLLC 2012", organized by the University of Oulu (Finland).


The Scythians tourist club brought cups and diplomas from this season’s championships. Anastasiya Klopot is the club’s leader.


World Thai-boxing champion Natalya Dyachkova won an international kickboxing competition in Moscow.


October 11, Administration of KSPA met active students to talk to them about problems.
