September 27, Vice Rector Natalya Burdugova awarded students of the Academy with medals for assistance in holding the 2010 Russian census of population. More... |
September 27, the Department of work with students and the Student Council organized a concert-presentation of KSPA creative groups. More... |
September 26, the Department of pre-school and social pedagogics and psychology of KSPA and students of groups 751 and 752 initiated freshmen. More... |
September 25-26, a regional research and practice conference on Creation of conditions for implementation of Federal State educational standards of general education in rural educational institution took place in Yaroslavl. More... |
September 12, 2012 a steering group for the Chair Anniversary Celebration held a meeting. |
September 25, Chair of experimental and general physics threw a retirement party for Docent Boris Ignatyev, PhD. More... |
Department of pre-school and social pedagogics and psychology continues promotion of sign language and announces call for participation in the new group of Russian sign language study. More... |
Opening of an exhibition of Vladimir Morgunov, member of commonwealth of artists of Russia, professor of Art of KSPA will take place in the Karelian State Pedagogical Academy (Pushkinskaya 17, room 310) on October 28, 2 p.m More... |
September 24, Chair of Pedagogics of KSPA hosted a panel discussion on school events coinciding with the Day of Peace. The Chair celebrates the Day of Peace from September 21, till October 3, 2012 in the framework of the 80th Anniversary celebration. More... |
Deputy Head of the Department of Federal Migration Service of the Republic of Karelia with active support of KSPA trade union organized a meeting with professors, employees and students of the Academy on September 21. More... |