В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
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October 11, department of pre-school and social pedagogics and psychology of KSPA played a quest called Cruel Games to celebrate World Day of Psychological Health, organized by students of group 731.


Artyom Ivashchenko, senior student of the Department of Physical Culture of KSPA won in his weight category on a boxing championship among adults in the Northwestern Russia.


October 9, 3rd year students, group 731 together with N.Semenova, senior professor of chair of physical and psychological health of children, Department of pre-school and social pedagogics and psychology of KSPA in the framework of studying Pre-school visual impairment pedagogics visited Karelian Republican Library for Visually Impaired People.


History students went to an opening of an exhibition devoted to the war of 1812 (Oloniya and its citizens in war with Napoleon) that took place in the National Museum of the Republic of Karelia on October 10, 2012.


October 8, freshmen students competed for the title of the best tennis player of KSPA.


October 8, International Congress called Woman, Child and HIV opened in Saint-Petersburg. Svetlana Goranskaya, PhD, Docent of Chair of Safety living participated in the Congress.


October 5, freshmen students of the Department of History and Philology were initiated.


October 5, the Department of pre-school and social pedagogics and psychology together with students of group 751 organized a concert to celebrate Teacher’s Day.


October 4, students of the Department of Physics and Math participated in two panel discussions. Students discussed issues of teaching and students’ everyday life.


Alexander Hudilainen met professors and student of KSPA on Teacher day’s eve.

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