В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
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100 questions to a young teacher: Department of Physics and Math


October 4, students of the Department of Physics and Math participated in two panel discussions. Students discussed issues of teaching and students’ everyday life.
Teachers of IT, Math and Physics from Petrozavodsk and College of Railroad Transport were invited to the 100 Questions to young teacher.
Fifth year students joined the discussion. They were interested in how parents and teachers interact, whether school staff helps young teachers adapt, what was the salary, how a teacher can interest students and many more other things. Invited guests, namely: T.Andreeva (school No 42), M.Semenova (school No 36), Y.Zueva (school No 2), T.Masailova (Petrozavodsk Railroad Transport College) gave frank and detailed answers.
The panel discussion was organized by the Department Dean T.Yanushkina and her Deputy L.Ermakova.
The second discussion took place in a hostel on Promyshlennaya st. Freshmen from the Department of Physics and Math, their Dean and Deputy Dean, and the camp tender T.Sarnatskaya participated in it. Students learned about rules of the hostel and access control. They asked questions and in the end they visited students’ rooms and learned about students’ everyday life.