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Golden boxer of KSPA


Artyom Ivashchenko, senior student of the Department of Physical Culture of KSPA won in his weight category on a boxing championship among adults in the Northwestern Russia.
Artyom started boxing in 2004. He became master of sports in 2007. In 2007 he won a championship of Northwestern Federal District. This year the competition took place in Petrozavodsk boxing house. Over 70 boxers from Komi, Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Leningrad oblast, Pskov, Novgorod, Vologda< Archangelsk and Karelia gathered together. This was a qualifying round for Russian championship. Out of 14 Karelian sportsmen only three won the first prize. Together with Artyom Ivashchenko, Fedor Vinigradov and Yurii Koshkin won first prizes.
Heavy-weight Yourii Alishevskiy, Alexander Gavrilenko, Alexander Makarov and Alexander Nechaev lost semi-finals and got bronze medals.
Artyom Ivashchenko is trained by Y.Alekbaev and V.Suprun.