В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
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Pedagogical Academy is a creative place


September 27, the Department of work with students and the Student Council organized a concert-presentation of KSPA creative groups.
It has become a tradition to present creative and sports groups to the freshmen of KSPA. When entering the concert hall, people could watch a TV-film prepared by the Student TV team. The film presented their journalism group that has been supervised by Valeriy Ivashov, leader of the group, for many years now.
For 1,5 hours the audience has been enjoying performances of dancers, singers and actors of the Academy. Two student theatre groups: Miracle (leaders – Marina Babalyk and Valeria Buller) and BEST (leader – Nadezhda Shablikova) showed extracts from their plays. Theatres presented different genres and drew enormous attention from the audience. As usual, the Karelian Souvenir folk dance group was a success, performing their Finnish polka.
The audience welcomed the Regtime sport ballroom dancing club. The Armageddon was outstanding as always. Girls from the Jasmine group and Indian dancing club captivated the audience with their gracefulness. The Highlight singing group performed two of their new songs.
Animators from the Animation club made the audience work and participate in competitions.
The evening ended with free surprise ice-cream for everyone from the student trade union.