В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
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Academy professors presented their work in Yaroslavl


September 25-26, a regional research and practice conference on Creation of conditions for implementation of Federal State educational standards of general education in rural educational institution took place in Yaroslavl.
Karelia was represented by researches and administrators: N.Vasilyeva, senior expert of the RK Ministry of Education; Z. Eflova, Head of the KSPA research laboratory of theory and practice of development of Karelian rural schools, Executive Director of Association of small ungraded rural schools of Karelia; E.Kazko, Head of Chair of Natural and Mathematic sciences and Methodology of the Department of Primary Education of KSPA.
Scientists, education managers, headmasters of rural schools from 14 regions of Russia and the Ukraine participated in the Conference. Senior organizer of the Conference is Professor L. Bayborodova, PhD, Head of Chair of Pedagogical Technologies of Yaroslavsky State Pedagogical University named after K.Ushinsky, Head of a prominent research school in the field of education management and development of rural education.
Karelian experience in training of rural educators in a modern educational institution, multi-aspect activity of a rural school laboratory (Z.Eflova), non-conventional ways of educational process organization in small rural schools (E.Kazko) caused enormous interest of Conference participants. Participants learned about new ideas, made contacts and were encouraged to develop rural education in home regions.