В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
является структурным подразделением ФГБОУ ВПО «Петрозаводский государственный университет»
и не существует как юридическое лицо.

В настоящий момент вы находитесь на архивной версии сайта, которая не поддерживается и не обновляется.

Department of Federal Migration Service gave consultation.


Deputy Head of the Department of Federal Migration Service of the Republic of Karelia with active support of KSPA trade union organized a meeting with professors, employees and students of the Academy on September 21.
During the meeting it was explained and described in detailed how to work with documents, use IT to address to the Service. Most urgent issues concerned process and terms of making of national and foreign passports and ways of contacting the Service. Apart from describing administrative procedures the Deputy Head recommended how to apply to the Service faster and easier. Special attention was paid to description of on-line State Service portal, including tips for authorization and use of personal account.
Program of supporting voluntary move of compatriots living abroad to Russia was also presented on the meeting. Irina, student of the Department of Physics and Mathematics has been living in Karelia for a long time and wants to stay here, but she has no legal right to become a Russian citizen. Amendments that were made by the President on 14.09.2012 No 1289 allow students participate in the Program. For Irina it means that next year she will be able to apply for participation in the Program for citizenship summarily next year.

Lyudmila Ermakova, Head of KSPA trade union