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Winner again!


World Thai-boxing champion Natalya Dyachkova won an international kickboxing competition in Moscow.
In the framework of the VII international W5 Fighter championship Karelian sportsman met Kristina Landtnerova from Slovakia. Professional kickboxing fight (for boxers under 57 kg.) took place on Milk Moscow arena. Seventeen year-old freshmen student of KSPA Natalya Dyachkova came to the ring with the famous Kalinka-Malinka playing on the background. She won a landslide victory and became the best in her weight group.
Brief info:
Natalya Dyachkova is a three-time winner of the Thai boxing (muay thai) Russian championship, a two-time winner of the Wu-shu Sanda Russian championship, a silver champion of the Thai boxing World championship in 2009 and 2011, and the Thai boxing Europe championship in 2011. She is the World young Thai-boxing champion of 2012, World Thai-boxing champion among professionals according to W.P.M.F.
Natalya was born and raised in Karelia. Here she started Thai-boxing (muay thai). Now she represents the Republic on Russian championship, and Russia on international ones.
She is a master of sports in Thai boxing, Wu-shu Sanda and track and field athletics. On the ring they call her The Lynx.
She is trained by thai boxing coach Ivan Andrienko and track and field athletics coach Irina Kholmetskaya.
Natalya’s awards:
3-time winner of Russian Thai-boxing (muay thai) championship
2-time winner of Russian Wu-shu Sanda championship
Repeated champion of regional track and field championships in shot put
Silver champion of World Thai-boxing championship, 2009
Bronze champion of World Wu-shu Sanda championship, 2010
Silver champion of Europe Thai-boxing championship, 2011
Silver champion of World Thai-boxing championship, 2011