В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
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Academy girls are quick, strong and funny!


2 March KSPA sports club, Chair of Sports and male students of 3rd year of the Department of Physical Culture organized a sports event for girls.
Teams from all departments of the Academy participated in annual competition “Go, girls”, devoted to International Women’s day.
Girls competed in agility, accuracy and speed knocking down bowls, riding scooter, shooting hoops etc. The jury consisted of 3rd year male students.
Good music, lots of fun and competitiveness are always there during these competitions.
Best teams were those from the Department of Physical Culture, Pre-school Education and Pre-School Pedagogics and Psychology, they were awarded with cups and medals. Each team got a cake from students’ trade union.