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ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
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Jeans-Kantele Group celebrates it 15-year Anniversary


The fifteenth Anniversary of Jeans-Kantele Group was celebrated in a family-like manner.
February, 16 all four groups of musicians gathered in the Assembly hall of KSPA. The youngest group of students opened the celebration.
Warm talks with the audience, soft songs, short life stories from tours of the group told by the leader of the group, an Honorary Artist of Karelia Sergei Stangrit and Ludmila Yurieva – all these things created a unique joyful atmosphere.
V. Tropin, Dean of the Department of Technology and Entrepreneurship and his deputy S.Osctrovskaya; I.Danilova, vice-rector and graduates of the Academy who are currently in the group warmly greeted the Jeans-Kantele.
The main performance was that of Kolokola song featuring all groups the Jeans-Kantele.
This music united many people and made the softer – claimed guests.
Life with kantele goes on and the group has many concerts ahead of it.

Brief info:
September 1997 Vladlen Tropin, who started a workshop of Karelian folk instruments of KSPU and who now holds the post of Dean of the Department of Technology and Entrepreneurship suggested that pedagogues from Petrozavodsk youth centre of arts organize a small group featuring students of his department in order to teach them play instruments that they make. Great idea! Besides, Vainemeinen, lead character of Karelian-Finnish Kalevala epos, who presumably made the first kantele was the man of that time. And it was decided to revive the tradition of men playing kantele, which is a strong tradition. But it was essential not to revive a “mummy” but to adapt the philosophy to modern life. And as jeans were a symbol of that time, worn by both students and professors, the name Jeans-Kantele appeared.