В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
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Research tour to Pudozhsky district


Laboratory of theory and practice of development of village schools of Karelia continues its research tours to remote parts of the Republic and small schools. This time they went to Pudozhsky district.

Academy professors went to district schools from 28 February till 2 March.
Z.Eflova, Head of the Laboratory and S.Smirnova, Dean of the Department of Primary Education who undertook the trip had a busy scheldule:
- observation of educational process, pilot diagnostics and analysis of educational situation in school of general education of Ust-Reka village (Principal - Galina Nazarova);
- two-day educational seminar for school teachers
- professional guidance class for student of 9th grade
- tour around social and cultural places of Ust-Reka village
- class for educators on pedagogical research and publication of pedagogical research in Pudozh results
- discussion of joint organization of an internet-conference with district educators
- professional guidance class for high school students of Pudozh schools.
Researches obtained new empirical data, educators improved their knowledge of research activity, students learned important things about professional self-identification.
Major result:
One more pedagogical team joined the Laboratory in their research, wanting to upgrade village schools. Educators of Ust-Reka chose a topic for joint research and S.Smirnova agreed to supervise their activity.