During winter break a laboratory of village schools of KSPA undertook a scientific and pedagogical tirp to North Karelian schools of Belomorsky and Kalevalsky districts. The group included Z.Frolova – Head of the laboratory and E.Kazko – Head of the Chair of Natural Mathematic Disciplines and Methods of Teaching of the Department of Primary Education.
First stop was in Pushnin village school of Belemorsky district which is an experimental base of the laboratory (Headmaster – T.Tanceva). The school is exploring and implementing a new innovative system of organization of educational process – a non-class learning in different age groups. The experiment headed by E.Kazko is lasting for five years and now it is checkpoint. During two days that experts spent in Pushnoy they analyzed current situation, determined on “growth points”, consulted with educators and parents, discussed the results and made prognosis for the future. Now it is crucial to ensure that the school is ready to disseminate experience and become the basis for in-service training of teachers of small Karelian schools.
While visiting Belomorsky district, the group met the Head of District Department of Education T.Dolinina. Tatyana confirmed their interest in experimental work of the school and promised to render assistance.
Then together with T.Tanceva the group went to a secondary school-kindergarten of Kepa village, Kalevalsky district. There they saw an average day of a village school. Headmaster L.Lazareva and her Deputy N.Rastrigina introduced the group to teachers and students of the small school. Participants observed a joint lesson in primary school (the Math), secondary school (the Math), high school (the Finnish language) and school festival “Star of the Olympus”. This experience helped the group learn about resources and potential of teachers and students.
An important part of the trip was a practical seminar on the topic “Practical and experinantal work of schools” where educators learned the basics of pedagogical research and experience of Pushnin village school. V.Ananich, Head of Department of Education of Kalevalsky district participated in the seminar, thus confirming willingness for future cooperation between the District and the Laboratory.
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Scientific and pedagogical trip