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Psychology professors of KSPA took part in a Republican conference


Department of Psychology received a Letter of Appreciation from the Minister of Education of the Republic of Karelia I.Kuvshinova and Rector of “IPK RO” L.Kovru on January, 30 during plenary meeting of Republican science conference “Applied psychology in socio-cultural space of a personality”. They were thanked for fruitful cooperation and active participation in development of a counseling system for children and adults in Karelia
January 30-31, the Republican scientific conference “Applied psychology in socio-cultural space of a personality” took place in Karelian Institute of continuing education. Partners of conference were: Department of Psychology of KSPA, Karelian branch of Union of Psychologist Educators of Russia, Center of diagnostics and counseling, Center of psychological Medical and Social Assistance of Petrozavodsk.
During plenary meeting the Head of Chair of Applied Psychology of Education of the Department of Psychology, PhD Nina Schorohodova presented her report “Psychological support of personality development”.
Head of the Chair of Social Ppsychology, docent, PhD Yuriy Melnik and Head of Karelian branch of Union of Psychologist Educators of Russia, docent of Chair of Applied Psychology of Education, PhD Elena Burachevskaya hosted a section “Psychological support and provision for professional activity”. Practicing psychologists and professors participated in work of this section. Ten reports were presented including those from professors of the Department of Psychology: “Role of a psychologist in an organization” by Yuriy Melnik, “Delegation of power and sharing of responsibility” by Nina Schorohodova, “Experience of Ballintov group” by Julia Bokacheva, “Psychological assistance to relatives of people in hospitals” by Svetlana Karpova.
Senior professor of Chair of Applied Psychology of Education Julia Tereshichina was co-host of section “Urgent problems of psychological support for children of pre-school age” and presented a report “Model of organization of pedagogical assistance for children of pre-school age in the Family center of creative development INDIGO”. 31 January 2012 Julia gave a class on Methods of work with “problem children” and teenagers to practicing psychologists and professors of Karelia.
Dean of the Department of Psychology Svetlana Nesyna presented her report “Urgent problems of training of psychologists” on panel discussion devoted to development of professional competence of practicing psychologists. Among other participants there were professors of the Department of Psychology, namely: Head of the Chair of Social Psychology, docent, PhD Yuriy Melnik, docent of the Chair of General Psychology, PhD Lidiya Teplova, senior professor of the Chair of  Applied Psychology of Education Julia Tereshichina.