В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
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Students had fun on Student’s day


On Student’s day students had fun in leisure center of KSPA.
Deputy Head of the office for work with students Anastasiya Mudrova and aspirant Valeriya Buler were hosts of the party. They told the story of the holiday and entertained those who came to it. They made people puzzle over riddles. Alena Dubinina – a member of the group Experimental danced. Head of the psychological service engaged students in some games for cohesiveness and then according to a tradition the Jeans-kantele group invited everybody to dance with them. Students enjoyed singing folk songs and dancing folk dances. In the end of the evening a tea party was organized.