Karelian State Pedagogical Academy started to carry out video-conferences with school graduates of districts of the Republic.
January, 24 the first video-conference was held with students of 11th grade of three schools from Belomorsky, Suojarvsky and Pryazhinsky districts. Deans of departments, their associates and professors were present at the meeting. Gennady Gekkin, the Vice-Rector of KSPA opened the meeting. He introduced participants to each other and briefly described the history of the University. N.Linevich, the secretary of the admission committee informed students about admission procedure, bachelor training courses and features of this year’s admission. Deans and professors presented their departments and told students about job prospects after graduation. Oksana Bychkova, the Head of office of work with students told them about clubs that are present in the Academy and about social aid that students of the Academy can get. Prospective students asked questions and thanked professors for sharing this valuable information.
This is the third year of usage this technology in career guidance. This year meetings with students of all districts of Karelia will be organized. The next meeting is scheduled for February, 2.
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Video-conference with future applicants