Faculties and Departments
The Faculty of Geography and Natural Sciences
The Academy provides comprehensive training on three basic natural sciences: biology, chemistry and geography. Education is being delivered by high skilled lecturers among them there are 8 Doctors of Science, Professors and nearly 30 Candidates of Science, Docents. Some our alumni continue their education pursuing Master’s degrees in universities of Finland, Great Britain, Germany, Czech Republic.
The Faculty of Foreign Languages
The Faculty of Foreign Languages was established in 1965. The Faculty awards its graduates the following degrees: (Education is conducted along four majors) Teacher of English and German, Teacher of French and English, Teacher of German and English and Teacher of Finnish and English. The teaching staff comprises 3 Professors, 17 Candidates of Science. Every year Professors and Docents of other Petrozavodsk higher educational institutions give lectures to the Faculty students. The Faculty actively attracts native speakers to language teaching thus contributing to improvement of students’ training.
The Faculty of Primary Education
The Faculty of Primary Education is engaged in training teachers for a 4-year primary school. At the moment there are 744 students studying at the Faculty. A student may choose to complete full course of studies or extra-mural courses of the multilevel system of training. Faculty students study basics of various sciences both humanitarian and natural-mathematic unlike students of other faculties. The emphasis on practical use of knowledge determines particular attention devoted to methods of teaching and training of future teachers capable to work in a modern primary school in various fields including developmental teaching.
The Faculty of Physical Culture
In 1956 in line with the Decision of the Government of the Karelian ASSR the Karelian State Pedagogical Academy (bearing the title of Institute back then) enrolled first students pursuing higher education in physical culture. More than 2000 specialists of highest qualification in physical culture and sport were trained at the Faculty. Faculty alumni work in sport movement of Karelia, Russia, foreign countries.
The Faculty of History and Philology
The Faculty of History and Philology of the Karelian State Pedagogical Academy is the oldest humanitarian faculty and one of the most famous educational and cultural centers of the Republic of Karelia and the North-West of Russia.
The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics is one of the oldest faculties of KSPA. It was established November, 1 1931. The initial name was the Faculty of Physics and Technology, but the Faculty was renamed already during the first year. In 1932 the Department of Mathematics and Physics was founded. The first graduation, comprising 24 young specialists, took place in 1935. In 1952 the Departments of Physics, Elementary mathematics, Advanced Mathematics were founded. The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics was established; it had physical and mathematics divisions. In 1955 the Faculty was restructured into two faculties: the Faculty of physics and Mathematics and the Faculty of Geography and Natural Sciences. In 1988 education of students on 4 majors started. These majors are mathematics and informatics, mathematics and physics, physics and informatics, physics and mathematics.
The Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship
The Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship was established in 1986. The Faculty offers education in two majors: Technology and Entrepreneurship, Visual Art. Every major includes a possibility to choose in-depth study among several specializations. Students acquire sound professional background with the focus on pedagogical, research and professional activities.
The Faculty of Pre-School and Social Pedagogy and Psychology
The Faculty of Pre-School and Social Pedagogy and Psychology was established in 1986. At the moment more than 20 highly skilled lecturers work at the Faculty. Teacher-defectologist is a profession which a person can get after graduating from the Faculty. The necessity of training of such specialists is determined by transformations of the state which provoked a range of economic, ethical and social problems. The broadening network of specialized institutions, correctional trend of teaching process predetermine overcoming and correction of a child’s disturbances: motor, verbal, intelligent, behavioral disturbances, disturbances of conversation.
The Faculty of Psychology
The Faculty of Psychology of the Karelian State Pedagogical Academy was established in 1993. The Faculty awards its graduates degrees in psychology major in two specializations: practical educational psychology and social psychology. A student may choose to complete full course of studies or extra-mural courses. There is also an opportunity to continue postgraduate studies (aspirantura). There are more than 350 students at the Faculty at the moment.
The Faculty of Extended Education
The Faculty of Extended Education is an autonomous division within KSPA organizational structure. The Faculty has been working since 2002 in accordance with worked out and adopted Regulation on the Faculty of Extended Education. The organizational set of the Faculty includes preparatory courses. These are focused on student’s preparation for passing State Uniform Examination, Final State Certification, entering KSPA.
Inter-faculty departments
- Department of Pedagogy
- Department of Foreign Languages
- Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Basic Medical Training
- Department of Philosophy and Social-Economic subjects
- Department of Karelian and Vepsian Languages
- Department of Pedagogical Psychology
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