В соответствии с приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 11 февраля 2013 г., N 80
ФГБОУ ВПО «Карельская государственная педагогическая академия»
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Made it on time


October 17-18, KSPA hostels carried out fire trainings.
The trainings were carried out according to the schedule of KSPA on issues of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.
October 17, 62 people were evacuated from KSPA hostel on Hertzen st. 31B. That is how many of them were in the building. They were students who were treated in the preventative clinic and staff.
October 18, people from two 9-storey buildings on Promyshlennaya st. were “rescued”. At 9 p.m. a fire alarm went off. Over 800 people left their rooms and went outside. The steering group noticed that students made it on time and did not go over control time. Anatoly Vorobyov, Leading engineer of fire safety discussed fire evacuation issues with floor supervisors and thanked them for efficient work.
Similar trainings take place every year in all university buildings. Students, professors and staff of the Academy acknowledge the significance of these trainings and always act organized and responsible.
Next trainings are scheduled for next spring.