Письмо Президента Колледжа Св. Схоластики (г. Дулут, Миннесота, США)
Ларри Гудвина худ. руководителю камерного театра "Подвальчик"
November 28, 2006
Vladimir G. Prozorov
Professor of English
Karelian State Pedagogical University
Petrozavodsk, Russia
Dear Prof. Prozorov,
This is to compliment you and your students on the production of the comedy "L of L" that I attended earlier this month when I was visiting your university. Not only was the play an amusing satire (inspired by Shakespeare, no less) but it hit home to me with its focus on language learning, a project that has involved The College of St. Scholastica and the PedUniversity for nearly 20 years.
I was particularly impressed with the talents and linguistic abilities of your students. Learning a foreign language is one thing. For them to be able to perform in a play in English suggests that they are already functioning with the language at a very high level. At the same time, your use of space and lighting effects in your "basement theater" was very professionally done.
It is clear to me that your theater program is operating at a very high level, and that it is already playing an important role in enhancing the level of language and cultural education at your university.
Congratulations to all on a masterful performance. I hope to have an opportunity to attend more productions in the future.
With warmest regards,
Larry Goodwin